National Day As A Symbol Of Unity


Independence Day is also known as the “National Day”, is the official independence of Malaya. It commemorates the Declaration of Independence of Malaya on August 31, 1957, and defined in Article 160 of the Constitution of Malaysia. Today is marked by formal and informal ceremonies and celebrations.

Every Independence Day celebration, Malaysians of various ethnicities together will celebrate the date that has been recorded as the country’s Independence Day.

However, North Borneo and Singapore still gained independence from the British on 16 September 1963. Sarawak gained independence a month earlier on 22 July 1963. The formation of Malaysia was later declared on 1 September 1963 and celebrated as Malaysia Day.

The result of political consensus between the leaders of various races at that time has become a recipe for the unification and unification of the people from various races to this day. This matter needs to be defended so that Malaysians can live in peace and not be easily influenced by the incitement of those who have an interest in seeing Malaysians divided.

Therefore, Malaysians regardless of race background and political ideology must defend what has been achieved so far through the spirit of understanding.

They need to together reject all forms of extremism that will divide the country. Although Sarawak still insists that their rights should be defended, this does not mean we should be divided. We must unite with the future of the country and the people of Malaysia. Every problem has a solution.

Our thinking must also change, not just rely on the colonial system, the lifestyle of the colonial culture without identity to free ourselves from the influence of colonial ideology.

With this opportunity, PAS Sarawak would like to wish Happy National Day to all Malaysians regardless of race and religion. This is the blessing of the unity of Malaysians that needs to be maintained forever.

Yours faithfully,

Jofri Jaraiee
Sarawak PAS Commissioner cum Miri PAS Chief