People of Bintulu Need A Caring Representatative


PAS Kawasan Bintulu (PKB) seeing the local political scenario that need the Islamic leadership, a fair, friendly people and a frequent touch down, see and solve the problem of people in Dun Jepak.

PKB has officially existed and was registered in 2010. Since that period until now the signals and received a positive response from local people to the existence of the Party of Islam based in Bintulu(also known as Vaie) to move in Bintulu​​.

PAS actively engaged in Bintulu with charitable activities not only in the festive season. Even before facing last elections PAS also move ahead and introduce PAS and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to the people of Bintulu including non-Muslims.

Celebration in longhouse residents so encouraging, they have come to understand that PAS emphasizes the good thought of Islam although some of the people defaming PAS to let people phobia with Islam and PAS itself. They like PAS in Bintulu, as we always went to the villages and PAS volunteer also often be seen walking the streets to meet the people in the City.

PAS have done a good program to the long house people especially for the children and womens and they would support PAS if the we stand in elections later.

we (PKB) are committed to improve the society welfare and lifestyle through the Untukmu Sarawak Program that drew unexpected good respond from the community and the people of Bintulu and Sarawak. Many projects have been completed throughout Sarawak, and the second phase of the Project has been palnned under the 2nd phase Known as Rancangan Projek Untukmu Sarawak Ke-2 (RANCAK KE-2) have been listed and will begin in September 2014 and end in December of 2014.

Zharudin NarudinPKB also remain committed to help a fellow PR even Dun Jepak previously represented by PKR candidate.

Now PKB has got the right candidates and our strength is a strong machinery that many of them are local people, as evidence we help our friend from Pakatan Rakyat in Dun Jepak, Dun Kemena and Dun Kidurong to move in majority Muslim voters UPU.

Now the people of Sarawak annoying to hear the issues of injustice of the current leaders, but the people of Sarawak want to evaluate who can help them.

PAS appears to help people through programs Untukmu Sarawak (UMS) where our focus through Infra Project of People and Project of People Services.

Ir. Zharudin Narudin
Director of the Department of Elections (CRMC)
PAS Kawasan Bintulu

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