Dead Baby In Knapsack


The classmate had handed her the bag shortly after giving birth to the baby girl in the school’s hostel at about 1am on Tuesday. [Picture File]

Doctors found out about the birth when she sought medical treatment at the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital here, complaining of abdominal pains.

“An examination confirmed that she had just given birth,” Terengganu CID chief Asst Comm K. Manoharan said yesterday.

“She confessed that she had kept the baby in her schoolbag.”

The doctors asked the girl to call her friend and bring the bag to the hospital.

“They found the dead baby girl in the bag. The friend was traumatised when she learned that she had been carrying around a bag containing a dead baby,” ACP Manoharan told reporters.

Police have seized the scissors used to cut the baby’s umbilical cord.

ACP Manoharan said a post-mortem showed that the baby was successfully delivered, but suffered bruises on the head and had water in the lungs.

“We are still investigating the cause of death. The case is being investigated as voluntarily causing the death of an infant,” he said, adding that police were looking for the baby’s father with a view to charging him with having sex with a minor.

Mayat Bayi Baru DiLahirkan Dalam Bag Galas

KUALA TERENGGANU – Seorang pelajar perempuan sebuah sekolah menengah di sini sama sekali tidak menduga beg galas yang diserahkan seorang rakan sekolahnya untuk disimpan rupa-rupanya mengandungi mayat seorang bayi perempuan yang baru dilahirkan.

[Gambar diatas adalah gambar hiasan]

Rahsia tersebut hanya terbongkar selepas 17 jam mangsa yang berusia 16 tahun menyimpan beg tersebut di bilik asramanya sebelum dia menerima panggilan daripada pihak Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah (HSNZ) yang memintanya menghantar beg sandang tersebut ke hospital.

Doktor yang memeriksa beg sandang itu menemui mayat seorang bayi perempuan.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah negeri, Asisten Komisioner K. Manoharan berkata, sebelum kejadian, seorang pelajar sekolah berusia 16 tahun melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan di dalam tandas asrama sekolahnya pada pukul 1 pagi Selasa lalu.

Menurut beliau, pelajar itu kemudian pergi ke HSNZ pada pukul 6 petang hari sama selepas mendakwa sakit perut.

“Doktor yang memeriksa pelajar itu mendapati pelajar terbabit sebenarnya baru melahirkan bayi,” kata beliau ketika ditemui di pejabatnya di sini.

Katanya, selepas ditanya oleh doktor yang merawatnya, pelajar itu mengaku dia melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan dan menyimpan bayi itu di dalam beg sandang.