29 C
Kuala Terengganu
Monday, 10 February 2025

Government’s financial indiscipline worsening

The Prime Minister in his speech announced that the government will be on track to meet the projected budget deficit of 5.6% for...

13 Rohingyas are not Taliban, it was all framed

The below-named Rohingya organisations strongly disapprove the statement, dated 14 January 2012, of the Burmese Home Minister Lt. General Ko Ko where he said,...

Increase penalty rates on the Losing of MyKad is not realistic

The proposal of the government to increase penalties against individuals who found guilty rid of their MyKad identity card is not very realistic. No...

A ‘pass’ for PAS

Indeed PAS must be commended. You would never see such world-class performance within BN. Now, BN stop getting furious. If BN turns red...

Latest ‘Datuk T’ sex-video threat shows desperation of UMNO-BN

I refer to the latest disgraceful attempt to smear Parliamentary Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim with the fabricated sex video allegations, published today...

PAS Welcomes Fill The Shortage Of Teachers Of Islamic Education In Sarawak

Lack of teachers in Islamic education subjects especially those who teach in Sarawak need to be filled immediately so that Muslim children receive a...

Pakatan Rakyat’s Mission and Vision Statement

We believe that the higher and more fundamental values for all Malaysians -- Justice, Dignity and Mutual Respect -- should be the ...

PAS Against Interpol’s Sheikh Qaradawi Listed as Terrorist

البيان الإعلامي لجناح العلماء المركزي للحزب الإسلامي بماليزيا إدانةُ الإنتربول وضعَه الشيخ َالقرضاوي على قوائم الإرهابيين المطلوبين إن جناحَ العلماء المركزي للحزب الإسلامي يدين...

More Provision of Low Cost and Affordable Housing for ‘Rakyat’ Sarawak

According to local press reports recently, Minister of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan said the National Housing Department will...

Muslim Brotherhood Warns Egypt’s Junta

The Egyptian people have spoken. They said they will topple the military coup regime and are still determined to do that. Desperate attempts, by...

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PAS Kecam Cadangan Trump ‘Ambil Alih’ Gaza, Anggap Penjajahan Moden

Oleh : Zahid Mustafar KUALA TERENGGANU – Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) mengecam keras kenyataan bekas Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), Donald Trump, yang mencadangkan AS...

Trump Mahu ‘Mengambil Alih’, Membangunkan Gaza Selepas Rakyat Palestin Disingkirkan

Presiden Donald Trump berkata beliau mahu AS mengambil alih Semenanjung Gaza yang dilanda peperangan selepas rakyat Palestin dipindahkan ke negara jiran, dan membangunkan wilayah...

Berkat Kepimpinan Islam: DHPP Terengganu Sokong Usaha Kerajaan Negeri

Oleh : Rohayati Ripin KUALA TERENGGANU – Keberkatan dalam kepimpinan yang berprinsip Islam terus menjadi keutamaan Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu dalam memastikan kesejahteraan rakyat. Namun, kekangan kewangan...

DUN Wakaf Mempelam Bantu 50 Anak Yatim dan Asnaf

KUALA TERENGGANU - Lajnah Kebajikan dan Keprihatinan Sosial, DUN Wakaf Mempelam telah membantu 50 orang anak yatim dan asnaf agar ceria memasuki sesi persekolahan...

PAS Ajil Kehilangan Tokoh Lama

Oleh : Azhar Yusof HULU TERENGGANU – Ahli dan penyokong PAS dalam kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Ajil menerima berita duka dan merasai kehilangan besar...