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Kuala Terengganu
Monday, 10 February 2025

Who is Responsible for the MH17 Tragedy?

It all started with Russia-backed Donbass insurgents who fight against the Kiev government in the east of Ukraine celebrating the downing of what they...

Soi Lek and MCA are now completely dependent on Najib and Umno

MCA president Chua Soi Lek gushed praises for Prime Minister Najib Razak at the party's annual general meeting, while taking pot-shots at...

Singing The Old Tune

Malaysia was ranked 53rd in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2013, 52nd in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) ranking, and the major flash...

Don’t get the wrong target

Amidst resentment against price hikes, the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK) resolutely launched the Ops Harga 2.0 recently and actions have...

Is Time Running Out for Najib?

Mahathir and his allies want to set a date for Malaysia’s prime minister to move out Forces aligned with former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad appear...

Tragedy of election under repression

At this time when Barisan Nasional leaders are indulging in an orgy of throwing public funds to buy votes in the current Sarawak...

Fear of Bersih 3.0 behind talk Ambiga might be made a PAS vice president?

Bersih co-chairman Ambiga Sreenevasan has rubbished a news report that insinuated she might get a vice president's post in the PAS, ...

India’s Muslims: An Increasingly Marginalized Population

Summary Some two hundred million Muslims live in India, making up the predominantly Hindu country’s largest minority group. For decades, Muslim communities have faced discrimination in...

‘Never-ending’ discrimination against Turks of Western Thrace

Greece keeps denying the presence of the Turkish minority in the Western Thrace region, with people living in the region facing severe discrimination every...

Choice Between Macron And Le Pen Lesser Of Two Evils

This Sunday, France faces an uncertain test as voters head to the polls to elect the next president of the republic in the second...

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PAS Kecam Cadangan Trump ‘Ambil Alih’ Gaza, Anggap Penjajahan Moden

Oleh : Zahid Mustafar KUALA TERENGGANU – Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) mengecam keras kenyataan bekas Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), Donald Trump, yang mencadangkan AS...

Trump Mahu ‘Mengambil Alih’, Membangunkan Gaza Selepas Rakyat Palestin Disingkirkan

Presiden Donald Trump berkata beliau mahu AS mengambil alih Semenanjung Gaza yang dilanda peperangan selepas rakyat Palestin dipindahkan ke negara jiran, dan membangunkan wilayah...

Berkat Kepimpinan Islam: DHPP Terengganu Sokong Usaha Kerajaan Negeri

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PAS Ajil Kehilangan Tokoh Lama

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